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Hizbollah's naked aggression strips away resistance facade

A friend recently emailed me a story reporting that Hizbollah militants had been killed in fighting in Syria. "The road to Jerusalem goes through…

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The Israeli Who Sneaked into Syria - Interview with Jonathan Spyer

My own view remains that the United States and its allies should engage closely with the rebels, identify deserving clients and begin to arm and…

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Arab Spring and the Israeli enemy

The Arab Spring showed the world that the Palestinians are happier and in better situation than their Arab brothers who fought to liberate them from…

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Rights groups condemn detention of Alber Saher on blasphemy charges

Human rights organizations have criticized the arrest of atheist activist Alber Saber. Saber was originally arrested over claims that he published the…

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“Innocence of Muslims” prompts a wave of anti-Semitic cartoons

Unsurprisingly, the media in the Arab world and Iran have continued this theme, and below, are some cartoons from recent days -- a sampling of the…

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Matthias Küntzel: Butler rennt

„Wahrheit ist die Übereinstimmung von Sprache und Wirklichkeit“, hat Max Horkheimer, der Weggefährte Theodor W. Adornos, postuliert. Ist es erheblich,…

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Michael Young: America just cannot be the loved one

In light of this, perhaps we must seriously consider that the Arab world has so internalized its disapproval of the United States over time,…

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Jonathan Weckerle: Hisbollahs Weg von der »nationalen Befreiung« zur Aufstandsbekämpfung

Die brennenden Fahnen und Bilder Hisbollahs, Irans und Syriens sind zumindest Anlass zur Hoffnung, dass die von Hisbollah exemplarisch vorgeführten…

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How China is boosting Egypt’s role in the Mideast, amid fading U.S. influence

The risk for the USA and other western powers is that the democratization movement in the Middle East, which they strongly support, may actually…

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Bruce Riedel: Al Qaeda’s Arab Comeback

Al Qaeda’s success in capitalizing on revolutionary change in the Arab world comes despite a lack of broad popular support. It remains a extreme…

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„Von Kerbala nach Jerusalem“

„Von Kerbala nach Jerusalem“: Diese berühmte Propagandaaussage der iranischen Führung während des iranisch-irakischen Krieges in den 80er Jahren…

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Behind the International Terrorism Campaign of Hizbollah and Iran

The challenge facing the Israeli intelligence community is identifying whether the combined terrorist campaign abroad is meant to signal Israel that…

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Moment of Truth Approaching in Damascus

Syria today is actually under the Assad regime’s military occupation, and it is being gradually removed by the Free Syrian Army. Assad will have to…

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Egypt and Iran: Will the Two Walk Together?



It is also doubtful whether Egypt is prepared to pay the price of thawing relations with Iran, not only vis-à-vis the Gulf states but also the…

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Michael Lüders und "die reichen New Yorker Juden"

Lüders ist nicht nur Sachbuchautor, sondern schreibt auch Romane, wie seine Homepage verrät. In seinem Buch „Der falsche Krieg“ sind beide Genres…

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Palestinians' Islamist Spring

Unfortunately, the young men and women who are leading the anti-Palestinian Authority campaign in the West Bank do not represent the majority. That is…

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“Ahmed, Ahmed, warum baust du eine Bombe?”

Mit viel Witz und klaren Worten hat der israelische Sicherheitsexperte Dan Schueftan seine Einschätzungen zur Lage im Nahen und Mittleren Osten…

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And Now It Begins: Attack From Egypt Signals Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas Jihad Against Israel

Prof. Barry Rubin: We are now at the beginning of Egypt’s involvement, directly or indirectly, in a new wave of terrorist assault on Israel. If the…

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Assad’s sectarian strategy

In fact, the killing was simply the most egregious installment in a pattern of deliberate sectarian killings (most recently in the town of al-Qubayr…

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Deutsch-emiratischer Wiederaufbau für Syrien

Neben Saudi Arabien gelten die UAE als einer der größten Förderer jihadistischer und salafitischer Bewegungen weltweit, sie waren eines der ganz…

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The real ‘spring’ is not Arab

Say what you will about the Arab Spring. But so far, the most remarkable and potentially disruptive developments of 18 months of uprisings is the…

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Where did the PA’s money go?

There is nothing more distasteful than rulers of a people – especially a poor people – who complain about their subjects’ suffering at the same time…

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Arab Spring has washed the region's appalling racism out of the news

How many tracts, books, documentaries, speeches and doctoral theses have been written and produced about Islamophobia? How many denunciations have…

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The anarchy factor in Syria

The compelling moral case for a humanitarian intervention is increasingly being reinforced by sound raisons d’état. Furthermore, military or…

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The Muslim Brotherhood's Mendacious Charm Campaign

Yet the Brotherhood came to Washington with an agenda of its own: selling itself as a “moderate” organization to a highly skeptical American public.…

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Time to Stop Incitement to Murder -- Again

This week, after a young rabbi and three children were shot to death at a Jewish school in France, Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas…

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Syria: Armed Opposition Groups Committing Abuses

Armed opposition elements have carried out serious human rights abuses, Human Rights Watch said today in a public letter to the Syrian National…

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EU-Diplomatie: Mit toten Kindern gegen Israel

Der Chef der SPD spricht im Zusammenhang mit Israel von einem Apartheidsregime, der iranische Präsident Ahmadinedschad leugnet im deutschen Fernsehen…

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Eine arabische Front liegt im Westen

Ehrenamtliche Helfer aus Europa liefern Wissen und alte Modems an die Aktivisten der arabischen Rebellion. Westliche Firmen verkaufen…

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Beyond the Gaza headlines

So the numbers tell nothing like the full story. But the numbers – and the Gaza funeral scenes — are flashed around the world as the apparent…
