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5th German Israel Congress in Frankfurt/Main, 25 November 2018

Congress Center der Messe Frankfurt
Room 1
12.30 – 1.30 p.m.

Link to the Israel-Congress and the complete program

The Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin organized a panel at the 5th German Israel Congress:

The Iranian Threat – Developments after the United States left the JCPOA

Panel discussion with:

Martin Patzelt, Member of the German Bundestag, CDU

Dr. Stephan Grigat, Political Scientist, University of VIenna (Austria), Permanent Fellow Moses Mendelssohn Zentrum Potsdam

Dr. Adel Feyzi, Representative of the Democratic Party Kurdistan Iran (PDKI) in Germany

Chair: Michael Spaney, Executive Director Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin


What are the latest developments regarding the policy towards Iran after the United States left the Iran-deal, the JCPOA? The Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin discusses with the panelists the impact of the new US sanctions against Iran, the latest developments inside Iran and the German European Iran policy that aims at a cooperation with Iran.

Martin Patzelt - Member of the German parliament (CDU). The Christian Democrat from Frankfurt (Oder) was active in the civil movement "New Forum" and in the "Demokratischer Aufbruch" (Democratic Departure) after the fall of the Berlin wall. After the German reunification he became a member of the CDU in 1990 and was active as a politician on the local level for more than two decades. Im Jahr 2013 kandidierte er erstmals erfolgreich für den Deutschen Bundestag und gehört dem höchsten deutschen Parlament seit der 18. Legislaturperiode an.


Dr. Phil. Adel Feyzi was born in 1975 in Iran - Kurdistan into a political family. His father and uncle were executed by the Islamic-Iranian Regime. In 2000 he escaped to Germany. He is a political scientist and holds a phd. Recently he spoke at the Goethe-University Frankfurt on the topic: „What are the aberrations of the Iranian Nation State on a structural level?“


Dr. Stephan Grigat ist Lehrbeauftragter an der Uni Wien, Permanent Fellow am Moses Mendelssohn Zentrum der Uni Potsdam, Research Fellow am Herzl Institute for the Study of Zionism and History der Uni Haifa und Wissenschaftlicher Direktor der NGO „STOP THE BOMB“ in Österreich. 2017/18 war er Teaching & Research Fellow am Center for German Studies der Hebrew University in Jerusalem, 2016/17 Gastprofessor für Israel-Studien am Moses Mendelssohn Zentrum und 2015/16 Gastprofessor für kritische Gesellschaftstheorie an der Uni Gießen. Er ist Autor von „Die Einsamkeit Israels. Zionismus, die israelische Linke und die iranische Bedrohung“ und Herausgeber u.a. „Iran – Israel – Deutschland: Antisemitismus, Außenhandel & Atomprogramm“.


Michael Spaney ist Executive Director des Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin (MFFB). Er ist Autor von „Siemens, Linde & Co.” zum deutsch-iranischen Handel in Grigat/Hartmann: „Iran im Weltsystem“, Studienverlag, Wien 2010 und Herausgeber der DIG-Publikationen „Boykottbewegungen gegen Israel“ (2017) und „Der Sechstagekrieg 1967. Ursachen. Verlauf. Folgen.“ (2017).