Invitation: Why Hezbollah is Europe's problem too

The global footprint of Iran's most dangerous ally and international terror
A debate with Matthew Levitt (Washington)
Chair: Andreas Benl (MFFB)
Tuesday, 6 November 2012, 7.30 p.m.
New Venue: Hörsaal Innere Medizin, Charité Campus Mitte, Südflügel, Sauerbruchweg 2, Ebene 3, 10117 Berlin (Map) (Campus Map)
Take Bus No. 147 (Schumannstraße)
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The Hezbollah, whose yellow banners can be seen regularly in Berlin waving over Islamist rallies like the annual Al Quds march, is responsible for numerous terrorist attacks around the world. Hezbollah's cadres are active within all important European countries. The latest report of Germany's intelligence service counts 950 supporters of Hezbollah in Germany. In July 2012, the EU rejected to add the Lebanese jihadists to the list of terrorist organizations. Yet, since then voices were being raised to revise the decision.
Hezbollah, which was established, and up to the present day is being armed and financed by the Iranian regime, is a terrorist organization that is active worldwide. It advocates a clearly anti-Semitic ideology, aiming at the extermination of Israel, and propagates the sociopolitical ideas of Islamism: The systematic discrimination of woman, persecution of homosexuals, violence against dissenters and the establishment of a Shiite theocracy. At the moment, Hezbollah actively partakes in the suppression of the revolt against its longstanding ally, Assad's Baathist dictatorship in Syria.